Friday, April 4, 2008

My House

In April all of us new volunteers left our wonderful home stay families and moved to our permanent sites. Most volunteers stayed with a new host family at their sites for a month but not me.
My counterparts helped me move into this house the first day I moved there.

So my house has 3 rooms. A living room, a bedroom and a bathroom, the kitchen is just in the hallway. This is the bedroom. During the hot season i started sleeping in the living room because the bedroom was too hot to sleep in with no window and just one little fan. Then during the rainy season my house became a mold breeding ground but most of it was in my bedroom so I have closed off this room and moved my mattress out to the living room full time.

Here is my living room. This is my favorite room because it has two ceiling fans and tile floor. The pictures on the wall are of a Buddha and King Rama 5 ( 5 was my favorite one). My house had 3 pictures of the king and one of Buddha when I moved in. I now sleep in this room because of the mold situation.

My "Kitchen". Really it is just a hallway but we added a refrigerator, a gas stove and a cabinet.

I have to do my dishes and laundry outside in buckets. The water is brown and the mosquitoes feast on me but it is very quaint and exactly what I pictured when I signed up for the Peace Corps.

My bathroom is H U G E. This picture really doesn't do it justice but it is larger than a bathroom needs to be. You can barely see it but it does have a shower head so I don't have to take bucket showers but there is no water heater so my showers are always freezing. The black bucket next to the toilet is what you fill up to flush.
On my front patio I have this table. I usually eat my meals here and drink my coffee here in the morning. These are my students one Saturday they visited.

A post about my house would not be complete without including the scorpions. As of September I have had 15 of these little pests in my house. This one is the biggest and was already dead when I found him.
And the newest addition to my house is my little kitty Beesly being held by the love of my life Mein. I got the kitty from one of Stoney's neighbors and she makes life better. Mein is a little boy who lives down the street from me. He was afraid of me for the first month or so but now he will come over to my house to color. I love him.

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